Robina Quays Dental Care

07 5648 0776

Crowns and Bridges

Dental Crowns at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

Strengthening and Beautifying Your Teeth

Dental crowns are not just restorative solutions; they act like a protective helmet for teeth that have been compromised. At Robina Quays Dental Care, we utilize crowns to restore lost tooth structure and provide essential support. Common reasons for needing a dental crown include:

  • Teeth that are undermined or heavily restored.
  • Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment.
  • Fractured, broken down, or extensively worn teeth.
  • Teeth with significant alterations in shape or color.
  • Traumatized or extensively decayed teeth.
  • Teeth requiring additional posterior support.

Crowns offer enhanced strength and durability, safeguarding against potential breaks in weakened teeth. Available in various materials such as gold, silver, ceramic, and zirconia, crowns are also frequently used for aesthetic enhancements and overall dental restoration.

The Crown Placement Process

  • Initial Assessment: We conduct a detailed examination to determine the suitability of a crown for your dental needs.
  • Tooth Preparation: Shaping of the tooth for a perfect crown fit.
  • Impression Making: Tailoring a custom crown to match your natural teeth.
  • Temporary Crown Placement: Used while your permanent crown is being prepared.
  • Final Crown Fitting: Careful placement and adjustment of the permanent crown.

Crown Material Options

  • Porcelain/Ceramic: Ideal for front teeth due to their natural appearance.
  • Gold and Metal Alloys: Optimal for back teeth, valued for strength.
  • Porcelain Fused to Metal: A balance of aesthetics and durability.

Why Dental Crowns from Robina Quays Dental Care?

  • Skilled Craftsmanship: Precision in crown creation for a natural look and perfect fit.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Utilizing the latest in dental techniques for the best outcomes.
  • Focus on Patient Comfort: Ensuring a comfortable and satisfactory experience throughout the procedure.

Schedule Your Crown Consultation

If you need a dental crown or are exploring options for tooth restoration, reach out to Robina Quays Dental Care. Our team is ready to assist you in achieving a stronger, healthier, and more beautiful smile.

Dental Bridges at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

Bridging the Gap for a Complete Smile

Dental bridges are a vital treatment option at Robina Quays Dental Care for restoring smiles affected by missing teeth. A bridge fills the gap created by one or more missing teeth, using adjacent teeth as anchors for the artificial tooth or teeth.

Why Choose a Dental Bridge?

  • Tooth Loss Solutions: Ideal for replacing missing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics.
  • Prevent Shifting: Bridges help prevent remaining teeth from shifting, which can lead to bite problems and other dental issues.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Custom-made to match your natural teeth, bridges improve the overall appearance of your smile.

Types of Dental Bridges

  • Traditional Bridges: Feature crowns on either side of the missing tooth, with a false tooth in between. Ideal for teeth with natural teeth on both sides of the gap.
  • Cantilever Bridges: Used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth.
  • Maryland Bridges: Consist of a false tooth supported by a framework bonded onto the backs of two adjacent teeth.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges: Supported by dental implants rather than crowns or frameworks. Ideal for multiple missing teeth.

The Bridge Placement Process

  • Consultation and Planning: Our team evaluates your dental health to determine the best type of bridge for your needs.
  • Preparation of Adjacent Teeth: For traditional and cantilever bridges, the teeth adjacent to the gap are prepared to support the bridge.
  • Impressions and Customization: Impressions of your teeth are taken to create a bridge that fits perfectly and matches your natural teeth.
  • Temporary Bridge: A temporary bridge may be placed while your permanent bridge is being crafted.
  • Final Bridge Placement: Once ready, the permanent bridge is adjusted and cemented into place.

Caring for Your Bridge

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity of your dental bridge. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential.

Schedule Your Bridge Consultation

If you have missing teeth and are considering a dental bridge, contact Robina Quays Dental Care for a consultation. Our experienced team is dedicated to restoring your smile with expertly crafted dental bridges.


A dental crown is a custom-made restoration that covers the entire surface of a tooth above the gum line. It’s used to restore a tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are recommended for teeth that are broken, weakened by decay, have large fillings, or need cosmetic enhancement.

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic device used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of artificial teeth (pontics) anchored by crowns fitted onto the natural teeth or implants on either side of the gap. Bridges restore the functionality and appearance of missing teeth and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting.

A dental crown may be needed to protect a weakened tooth from breaking, restore a broken or worn tooth, cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t much tooth left, hold a dental bridge in place, cover a dental implant, or for cosmetic modification.

Crowns and bridges can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, composite resin, metal alloys (like gold or other metal alloys), or a combination of these materials. Porcelain and ceramic crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth.

With proper care, dental crowns and bridges can last for many years. On average, they may last between 5 to 15 years, or even longer. Their longevity depends on good oral hygiene practices and avoiding habits like teeth grinding, clenching, and chewing hard foods.

The process of getting a crown or bridge typically involves minimal discomfort. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area, so you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. Some mild soreness or sensitivity may be experienced after the anesthesia wears off, but it usually subsides quickly.

Dental crowns and bridges require the same level of care as your natural teeth. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily (using floss threaders for bridges), and regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Avoid chewing hard foods and ice to prevent damage.

The cost of crowns and bridges varies depending on the material used, the complexity of the procedure, and geographic location. Generally, bridges may cost more due to their complexity. Many dental insurance plans provide some coverage for these restorations.

Many dental insurance plans offer partial coverage for crowns and bridges, especially when they are needed for restorative purposes. Coverage can vary, so it’s important to check your individual policy or consult with your insurance provider.

Getting a crown or bridge usually requires at least two visits to the dentist. The first visit involves preparing the teeth, taking impressions, and placing a temporary crown or bridge. The permanent crown or bridge is usually ready to be fitted in about two weeks.

If a crown or bridge is chipped or cracked, it may be possible to repair it, depending on the extent of the damage. Small chips can often be repaired with a resin composite. However, if the damage is extensive, the crown or bridge may need to be replaced. Regular dental check-ups can help detect any damage early, allowing for timely repairs or replacements.

A filling is used to repair a small area of tooth decay, typically when the damage is not extensive. It involves removing the decayed portion and filling the space with a restorative material. A crown, on the other hand, is used when a larger portion of the tooth is damaged or decayed. It covers the entire visible part of the tooth, providing strength and protection.

Alternatives to crowns include onlays or inlays, which are partial crowns that cover a portion of a damaged tooth. For bridges, alternatives include dental implants or removable partial dentures. The choice of alternative depends on the specific dental needs, overall oral health, and personal preferences of the patient.

Crowns and bridges restore the functionality and appearance of damaged or missing teeth. They help maintain the alignment of surrounding teeth, improve chewing and speaking ability, and protect weakened teeth from further damage. By restoring missing teeth, bridges also help prevent the remaining teeth from shifting, which can lead to bite problems and other oral health issues.

Dental crowns and bridges have high success rates when properly cared for. With good oral hygiene and regular dental visits, crowns and bridges can last many years. The success rate also depends on the material used and the patient’s oral habits, such as avoiding chewing hard objects or grinding teeth.

Yes, crowns and bridges can be used for cosmetic purposes. Crowns can improve the appearance of misshapen, discolored, or badly damaged teeth. Bridges can replace missing teeth, enhancing the overall appearance of the smile. Both restorations can be made from materials that closely match natural teeth, offering a cosmetic improvement.

After getting a crown or bridge, it’s normal to experience some sensitivity to temperature and pressure, which usually subsides within a few days. It’s important to practice good oral hygiene and avoid chewing hard foods with the restoration. Regular dental check-ups are necessary to monitor the condition of the crown or bridge.

While crowns and bridges are restorations that sit on top of natural teeth or gums, dental implants involve placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which serves as a foundation for a crown, bridge, or denture. Implants are a more invasive procedure but provide a stable and long-lasting solution. They also help preserve jawbone health, which is not the case with traditional crowns and bridges.

Delaying the placement of a crown or bridge can lead to further deterioration of the affected tooth or teeth. It can also cause shifting of adjacent teeth, bite problems, and additional stress on other teeth, potentially leading to more extensive and costly dental work in the future.

Yes, temporary crowns and bridges are often used to protect the teeth while the permanent restoration is being made. Temporary restorations help maintain tooth alignment, provide functionality, and protect the prepared teeth from sensitivity and damage. They are typically made of acrylic and are not as durable as permanent crowns and bridges.