Robina Quays Dental Care

07 5648 0776

IV Sedation

IV Sedation at Robina Quays Dental Care

Feeling Nervous About Dental Treatment? Robina Quays Dental Care Offers Solutions!

At Robina Quays Dental Care in Robina, QLD, we understand that dental appointments can be a source of anxiety for many. To address this, we offer a variety of sedation options to cater to individual needs. Our team is committed to discussing these options with you, ensuring that we jointly select the most suitable approach for your comfort. Our clinic is designed to be a welcoming and comfortable environment, helping you feel at ease from the moment you enter.

Sedation Dentistry at Robina Quays Dental Care, Robina

Dental anxiety is a common challenge among patients of all ages, often due to past experiences or general anxiety. This can lead to the postponement of necessary dental treatments or routine care, potentially leading to more complex dental issues.

At Robina Quays Dental Care, we take your concerns seriously. We aim to create a clinic atmosphere that is both inviting and comforting, where every patient is treated with the warmth and attention of a friend.

That’s why we provide several sedation methods. Our dental sedation services in Robina are designed to help you achieve your dental health goals without the barrier of fear and anxiety.

Contact us today to explore your options, or book your appointment online!

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is an effective solution for those with mild to moderate dental anxiety. It involves taking medication before your appointment, helping to reduce anxiety and create a more relaxed dental experience.

IV / Twilight Sedation

For patients with higher levels of dental anxiety, IV sedation, or twilight sedation, is an excellent choice. At Robina Quays Dental Care, we collaborate with a General Practitioner who administers the IV sedation. This allows our dentists to focus on your dental treatment while the GP ensures you remain comfortable and safe throughout the procedure. This method is ideal for those seeking an alternative to full general anaesthesia, offering a relaxed state during the treatment with the sedation strength adjusted according to your needs.

IV / Twilight Sedation

General Anaesthesia in a Hospital Setting

In situations where the level of anxiety or the extent of dental treatment is significant, undergoing a procedure in a dental chair might not be viable. For such cases, general anaesthesia in a hospital setting is an excellent option. It allows you to be completely asleep during the procedure and wake up with no memory of the treatment. This method is conducted in a hospital environment, where a team of anesthesiologists, dentists, and nurses work together to provide you with the utmost care and comfort.


IV sedation, or intravenous sedation, involves administering sedative drugs directly into the bloodstream through a vein. This type of sedation induces a state of deep relaxation and can be adjusted in real-time to suit the patient’s comfort level. It’s commonly used in dentistry to help patients with anxiety or undergoing lengthy or complex procedures.

IV sedation is a form of conscious sedation where the patient remains awake but in a deeply relaxed state. In contrast, general anesthesia renders the patient completely unconscious. With IV sedation, patients can still respond to verbal cues and maintain protective reflexes, which is not the case with general anesthesia.

IV sedation is generally safe when administered by a trained and experienced medical professional. Patients are continuously monitored during the procedure to ensure their safety. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks involved, and these should be discussed with the dentist prior to undergoing IV sedation.

IV sedation is suitable for most patients, especially those with dental anxiety, phobias, or those undergoing complex dental procedures. It is not recommended for pregnant women, individuals with certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, or those allergic to sedative medications.

Patients are typically advised to fast for several hours before the procedure. They should also arrange for someone to drive them home afterward, as the sedatives’ effects can last for some time. It’s important to inform the dentist of any medications being taken and medical history.

A small needle is used to insert a cannula into a vein, usually in the arm or back of the hand. Through this, the sedative medication is administered. Patients quickly begin to feel relaxed and drowsy but will remain conscious. The dentist adjusts the level of sedation as needed.

Post-sedation, patients often feel groggy and may not remember much of the procedure. These effects typically wear off within a few hours, but it’s advised to rest for the remainder of the day. Some people might experience minor side effects like nausea or dizziness.

Patients should rest and avoid operating heavy machinery or driving for at least 24 hours post-sedation. It’s also recommended to have someone stay with them for a few hours after returning home. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating light meals can help in recovery.

The sedative effects can last for a few hours after the procedure. The exact duration varies depending on the individual and the amount of sedative used. Patients should not make important decisions or engage in strenuous activities during this time.

IV sedation is typically reserved for more invasive or lengthy dental procedures. However, it can be requested for less complex treatments if the patient experiences severe dental anxiety. The dentist will assess the suitability of IV sedation based on the specific procedure and the patient’s health.

IV sedation provides a deeper level of sedation than oral sedatives or nitrous oxide, allowing patients to remain relaxed and comfortable during complex or lengthy dental procedures. It’s especially beneficial for patients with severe dental anxiety, gag reflex issues, or those undergoing multiple treatments in one session.

The level of sedation is precisely controlled by the administering dentist or anesthesiologist. The sedative dosage can be adjusted in real-time based on the patient’s response, ensuring an optimal balance of comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

Dentists must undergo specialized training and certification to administer IV sedation. This includes comprehensive education in sedation techniques, pharmacology, and emergency management to ensure patient safety.

IV sedation can be used for children in certain cases, particularly for those with extreme dental anxiety or for complex dental procedures. A pediatric dentist with expertise in sedation or an anesthesiologist typically administers it, with careful consideration of the child’s medical history and current health.

IV sedation takes effect rapidly, usually within minutes. The fast onset is one of its advantages, allowing the dentist to begin the procedure shortly after administration.

Yes, there is a recovery period following IV sedation. Although the sedative effects wear off relatively quickly, patients may feel drowsy or disoriented for several hours afterwards. They are typically advised to rest for the remainder of the day.

There are generally no long-term effects from IV sedation when it’s administered properly. Most patients recover fully within 24 hours with no lasting side effects.

Patient safety is ensured through continuous monitoring of vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels during the procedure. Emergency equipment and medications are also readily available in case of an adverse reaction.

It’s important to discuss your medical history, current medications, and any allergies with your dentist. You should also discuss your level of dental anxiety and any previous experiences with sedation to help the dentist tailor the sedation to your needs.

While possible, IV sedation is typically not used for routine dental cleanings and check-ups due to its depth of sedation. It’s more commonly reserved for more invasive or lengthy procedures, or for patients with extreme dental anxiety.