Robina Quays Dental Care

07 5648 0776

Dental Implants

Dental Implants At Robina Quays Dental Care

Single Tooth Replacement
Multiple Teeth Replacement
Full Mouth Replacement
Bone and Tissue Grafts

What are Dental Implants and what are their benefits?

Dental implants are a sophisticated solution for replacing missing teeth. At Robina Quays Dental Care, situated in the heart of Robina, Gold Coast, we have a special focus in providing first-rate dental implants, renowned as some of the finest in the area. Each implant is composed of three essential parts:

  • The Fixture: Integrates into the jawbone, acting as a robust and stable root.
  • The Abutment: The connector between the fixture and the crown.
  • The Crown: The visible part, designed to immaculately mimic a natural tooth.

Our implants are made from biocompatible, inert titanium, allowing for seamless integration into the jawbone and encouraging natural bone growth around the implant.


The Dental Implant Process at Our Robina Clinic

  • Personalised Consultation: We begin with a thorough assessment to determine your suitability for dental implants.
  • Precise Implant Placement: Our skilled team surgically places the fixture, followed by a period for bone integration.
  • Abutment Attachment: Once integrated, the abutment is secured to the post.
  • Custom Crown Creation: A tailor-made crown is crafted to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Comprehensive Implant Services in Robina, Gold Coast

Our dental implants not only address the cosmetic aspect of missing teeth but also prevent potential oral health issues such as shifting teeth, bone loss, uneven bite pressure, and gum inflammation. Suitable for replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth, our implants also enhance the functionality and comfort of dentures.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Regular dental hygiene practices, along with routine check-ups at our Robina, Gold Coast clinic, will ensure the longevity and success of your dental implants.


Maintaining oral hygiene with dental implants involves regular brushing twice a day and flossing daily, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Special interdental brushes or water flossers can also be helpful for cleaning around implants.

After getting dental implants, avoid hard and chewy foods in the initial healing period. Smoking and alcohol should also be avoided as they can hinder the healing process and negatively affect the longevity of the implants.

Regular dental visits, typically every six months or as advised by your dentist, are important after getting dental implants. These visits allow for professional cleaning and monitoring of the implants and surrounding tissues.

Dental implants cannot get cavities since they are made of artificial materials, but the surrounding gums can still be affected by gum disease. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits are crucial to prevent peri-implant diseases.

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Their longevity depends on good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and overall health.

While regular dental tools like a soft toothbrush and floss are generally sufficient, some patients may benefit from special cleaning tools like interdental brushes, water flossers, or antimicrobial mouth rinses, especially for hard-to-reach areas.

Immediately after implant surgery, it’s recommended to stick to soft foods and liquids. Once healed, there are generally no dietary restrictions, but it’s wise to avoid extremely hard or sticky foods to protect the implants.

Prevent implant infections by maintaining excellent oral hygiene, avoiding tobacco products, controlling diabetes or other systemic health conditions, and attending regular dental check-ups for professional cleanings and monitoring.

Signs of implant failure include persistent pain or discomfort, swelling or inflammation of the gums, implant mobility, and difficulty biting or chewing. Contact your dentist immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.

Dental implants should be checked by a dentist at least once a year during regular dental check-ups. If you experience any problems or discomfort with your implants, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, typically made from titanium, used to support restorations for missing teeth. They are surgically placed into the jawbone and, over time, fuse with the bone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Implants are a preferred solution for tooth loss due to their durability, functionality, and ability to maintain jawbone health.

Dental implants work by osseointegration, where the titanium implant fuses with the jawbone, creating a strong and stable base. After the implant is placed and has healed, a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture is attached to it via an abutment. This process restores the functionality and aesthetics of natural teeth, allowing for normal eating, speaking

Dental implants are considered safe and one of the most successful dental procedures. Made from biocompatible materials, they are well-tolerated by the body. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks, such as infection, nerve damage, or implant failure. Choosing an experienced dental professional minimises these risks.

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. Their longevity depends on factors like oral hygiene, lifestyle habits, and regular dental check-ups. While the implant itself can last indefinitely, the crown or restoration on top may need replacement due to wear over time.

A good candidate for dental implants is someone with good overall health, adequate jawbone density to support the implant, and healthy gums. People with chronic illnesses, heavy smokers, or those who have undergone radiation therapy in the head/neck area may need additional evaluation. Age is typically not a barrier to receiving implants.

Dental implants are not noticeable as they are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. The visible part of the implant, the crown or bridge, is custom-made to match the colour, shape, and size of your natural teeth, blending seamlessly with your smile.

Caring for dental implants involves maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing. Special attention should be given to cleaning around the implant. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also crucial for monitoring the implants and the health of surrounding gums and teeth.

The success rate of dental implants varies but is generally high, with averages above 95%. Success depends on factors like the implant’s location in the jaw, patient health, and dental care post-surgery. Implants in the lower jaw tend to have slightly higher success rates than those in the upper jaw.

The risks associated with dental implants include infection at the implant site, injury or damage to surrounding structures, nerve damage, sinus problems (for upper jaw implants), and implant failure. These risks are relatively low and can be further reduced by choosing an experienced dental surgeon.

The cost of dental implants can vary widely depending on factors like the number of implants, the need for additional procedures (bone grafting, sinus lift), the type of restoration, and geographic location. While implants can be more expensive upfront compared to other tooth replacement options, their durability and longevity often make them a cost-effective solution in the long term.

A single tooth dental implant is a complete tooth replacement solution that includes a titanium post (implant) surgically placed into the jawbone, an abutment attached to the implant, and a custom-made crown that sits on top of the abutment. It’s designed to replace a missing tooth without affecting adjacent teeth, mimicking the natural structure and function of a natural tooth.

Single Tooth Replacement at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

Single Tooth Replacement with Dental Implants

At Robina Quays Dental Care, we have a special interest in single tooth replacement using state-of-the-art dental implants. This process involves:

  • Surgical Insertion: A titanium dental implant is surgically inserted at the site of your missing tooth.
  • Osteointegration: Over time, the implant undergoes osteointegration, which means your implant will fuse with your jawbone to form a strong and durable foundation.
  • Abutment Placement: : Once ready, an abutment is placed on top of your implant, serving as the connector for your crown.
  • Crown Seating: The final step involves seating a custom-made crown onto the abutment, completing the process and restoring your smile.

Our Process for Single Tooth Replacement

  • Step 1: Free Consultation (20 mins): Discuss treatment goals, conduct a limited clinical exam, take radiographs and photographs. Suitable candidates will be referred for a 3D CBCT radiograph. (Health fund codes: 013, 037)
  • Step 2: Complimentary Follow-Up (10-20 mins): Review your 3D CBCT radiograph, take further records, and provide a detailed treatment plan and timeline. A deposit is required to book your surgery. (Health fund codes: 071×2, 072, 073)
  • Step 3: Implant Surgery (60-90 mins): The duration varies depending on individual cases. (Health fund codes: 684, 022 x3)
  • Step 4: Abutment Placement (30-40 mins): A healing abutment is placed 2-4 months after implant placement. (Health fund codes: 661, 691, 022)
  • Step 5: Impressions Stage (30-50 mins): Impressions or scans are taken for the custom fabrication of the crown by an Australian laboratory. (Health fund codes: 672, 022)
  • Step 6: Final Appointment (30-40 mins): The crown is received from the lab and inserted. (Health fund code: 022)

Duration and Aftercare

  • The entire process typically takes 4-6 months.
  • We of course understand if you prefer to have a temporary solution for your missing teeth during your waiting periods.
  • You can discuss your customised temporary options are available during your first two appointments.
  • Regular dental check-ups and excellent oral hygiene are crucial for the longevity of the implant.
  • Studies indicate a 10-year survival rate of 90%.

Affordability & Convenience 

  • We offer one of the most affordable yet quality dental implants solution in Gold Coast, starting at $4,500
  • We are your one stop solution as your dental implant treatment from start to finish, including your dental implant images, IV sedation if opted, hygienist cleans are all done at our premises onsite at our state-of-the-art premises located centrally in Robina


A single tooth implant replaces only the missing tooth without altering adjacent teeth. A bridge, on the other hand, requires reducing the adjacent teeth to support the bridge structure, which spans the gap with a false tooth. Implants are often preferred because they preserve the integrity of surrounding teeth and maintain jawbone health.

The process typically involves several stages: initial consultation, implant placement, healing period (osseointegration), and crown placement. During the first visit, the dentist evaluates your oral health. The implant is then surgically placed into the jawbone. After a healing period (which can last several months), during which the implant integrates with the bone, an abutment is attached to the implant, and finally, a custom crown is fitted onto the abutment.

Recovery time varies but typically involves a few days of mild discomfort and swelling, manageable with over-the-counter pain medications. The complete healing and integration (osseointegration) of the implant with the jawbone can take several months, during which the patient can usually resume normal activities soon after surgery.

While rare, implant failure can occur, indicated by persistent pain, swelling, implant mobility, or gum recession around the implant. Poor oral hygiene, smoking, and certain medical conditions can increase the risk of failure. Prompt consultation with a dentist is crucial if failure symptoms are suspected.

In some cases, a single tooth implant can be done in one day, known as “immediate loading.” This procedure involves placing the implant and temporary crown during the same visit. It’s not suitable for all patients and depends on factors like bone density and oral health.

Not replacing a missing tooth can lead to several issues, such as shifting of adjacent teeth, bite problems, jawbone deterioration, and changes in facial aesthetics. It can also affect chewing efficiency and lead to further tooth loss.

Choose a dentist or oral surgeon with extensive experience and training in implant dentistry. Look for board certifications, reviews, and case studies. A good implant dentist will thoroughly assess your oral health and discuss all available options and potential outcomes.

Single tooth implants are often considered superior to partial dentures due to their stability, natural function, and ability to maintain jawbone health. Unlike dentures, implants don’t require removal for cleaning and don’t rely on adjacent teeth for support.

Yes, a single tooth implant can restore and even improve your bite and chewing ability. By replacing a missing tooth, it ensures even distribution of bite forces, helps maintain the alignment of surrounding teeth, and restores functionality comparable to a natural tooth.

Multiple Teeth Replacement Options - Implant Bridge at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

Implant Bridge: An Effective Solution for Multiple Missing Teeth 

  • For patients at Robina Quays Dental Care needing multiple teeth replacements, an implant bridge presents a cost-effective and efficient solution. This method involves:

    • Strategic Implant Placement: Two titanium dental implants are surgically inserted at selected sites in your jawbone..
    • Osteointegration: Your implants then undergo osteointegration. This means both the dental implants will fuse with your jawbone over time to form a strong and durable foundation.
    • Abutment and Bridge Placement: Abutments are placed on top of these metal fixtures, serving as connectors for the bridge to your implants.

Our Process for Implant Bridges

    • Step 1: Free Consultation (20 mins): Discuss treatment goals, conduct a limited clinical exam, take radiographs and photographs. Suitable candidates will be referred for a 3D CBCT radiograph. (Health fund codes: 013, 037)
    • Step 2: Complimentary Follow-Up (15 mins): Review your 3D CBCT radiograph, take further records, and provide a detailed treatment plan and timeline. A deposit is required to book surgery. (Health fund codes: 071×2, 072, 073)
    • Step 3: Implant Surgery (60-180 mins): Tailored to each case, the duration varies. (Health fund codes: 684 x2, 022 x3)
    • Step 4: Abutment Placement (30-50 mins): An abutment is placed 2-4 months after implant placement. (Health fund codes: 661 x2, 691, 022)
    • Step 5: Impressions Stage (30-45 mins): Impressions are taken for the custom fabrication of the bridge by an Australian laboratory. (Health fund codes: 672 x2, 022)
    • Step 6: Final Appointment (30 mins): The bridge is received from the lab and inserted. (Health fund code: 022)

Duration, Aftercare, and Cost

  • The total process typically spans 4-6 months.
  • Temporary restoration options are available, discussed in your initial appointments.
  • Post Care appointments – Review and post care appointments for any of the above stages will be booked based on your individual case
  • Regular dental check-ups and excellent oral hygiene are essential for implant longevity.
  • Studies indicate a 10-year survival rate of 90% for well-placed dental implants.
  • Implant bridges at Robina Quays Dental Care start at $11,400.


Options for replacing multiple teeth with implants include implant-supported bridges and partial dentures. Unlike traditional bridges and dentures, these are anchored on dental implants embedded in the jawbone. The number of implants needed varies based on the location and number of missing teeth. Each solution is tailored to the patient’s specific needs, providing a stable and durable restoration.

Multiple tooth implants offer several advantages over partial dentures. They provide a more natural feel and function, as they are fixed in the jawbone and don’t require removal for cleaning. Implants prevent bone loss commonly associated with missing teeth, whereas partial dentures can lead to bone deterioration over time. Implants also don’t require modification of adjacent teeth, unlike partial dentures which may need clasps on neighbouring teeth.

The procedure for multiple tooth implants involves several steps:

    • Initial Consultation: Assessing oral health and creating a treatment plan.
    • Implant Placement: Surgical insertion of implants into the jawbone.
    • Healing Period: Allowing time for osseointegration (the process where the implant fuses with the bone).
    • Abutment Placement: Attaching the abutment to the healed implant.
    • Restoration Placement: Fitting the custom-made bridge or denture onto the implants.
    • This process can take several months from start to finish, depending on healing times and individual circumstances.

While the initial cost of multiple tooth implants can be higher than single implants, they can be more cost-effective in the long term. This is because they are a durable solution that can last many years with proper care, potentially reducing future dental costs associated with bridge or denture replacements.

Yes, it’s possible to replace all teeth with implants through full-arch restorations, commonly known as All-on-4 or All-on-6, depending on the number of implants used. This solution involves placing a series of strategically positioned implants in the jaw, which support a full arch of prosthetic teeth, providing a stable and natural-looking replacement for all teeth.

The key difference is how they are anchored. Traditional bridges rely on adjacent natural teeth for support, while implant-supported bridges are anchored on dental implants. Implant-supported options don’t require altering adjacent healthy teeth and provide better jawbone preservation.

The timeline for multiple tooth implants varies based on individual cases. It typically spans several months, accounting for the surgical placement of implants, healing time, and fabrication of the final prosthetic. The exact duration depends on factors like the number of implants, need for preliminary procedures (like bone grafting), and the patient’s healing capacity.

Yes, in many cases, multiple implants can be placed during a single surgical session. This approach is efficient and can reduce overall treatment time. However, the feasibility depends on the patient’s oral health status and specific treatment needs.

No, multiple tooth implants are typically fixed and not removable like traditional dentures. They are securely attached to implants embedded in the jawbone, offering a stable and permanent solution. However, there are implant-supported dentures that can be removable, designed for easy cleaning.

Multiple tooth implants can improve speech compared to missing teeth or traditional dentures. They provide stability and mimic natural tooth function, enabling clearer and more natural speech. Unlike removable dentures, which can slip and cause slurring or mumbling, implant-supported restorations remain firmly in place.

Overdentures: Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Implant Overdentures: Defining Implant Overdentures

Implant overdentures are a modern dental solution for replacing missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, these are supported by dental implants, offering superior stability and comfort. They are an ideal choice for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth but desire a more secure alternative to conventional dentures.

Advantages of Choosing Implant Overdentures

Implant overdentures provide numerous benefits:

  • Improved Stability and Comfort: Due to their anchorage in dental implants, they are more stable and comfortable than traditional dentures.
  • Enhanced Chewing Efficiency: They restore the feel as well as approximate the function of your natural chewing ability, allowing you to enjoy a varied diet.
  • Better Speech Clarity: They reduce the common speech issues associated with traditional dentures.
  • Jawbone Preservation: Implant overdentures stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: They offer a natural-looking appearance, restoring or enhancing your natural smile.

The Procedure for Implant Overdentures​

Initial Consultation and Assessment

A comprehensive dental examination, including 3D imaging, is conducted to evaluate your oral health, bone density, and to discuss your goals and expectations.

Treatment Planning

A personalized treatment plan is formulated, outlining the number of implants required, their positions, and the overall treatment timeline.

Surgical Placement of Implants

High-precision surgery is performed to place titanium implants in your jawbone. The number of implants varies based on your individual needs and jawbone condition.

Osseointegration Process

This is a critical phase where the implants integrate with your jawbone, typically taking several months. This process is essential for providing a stable foundation for the overdentures. As such, several variables mostly relating to your biology and medical condition determine the timelines for your integration and completion of your treatment.

Fabrication and Fitting of Overdentures

Custom-made overdentures are fabricated based on precise measurements and aesthetic considerations to suit your appearance and preferences. Once the implants have integrated, the overdentures are securely attached to them.

Life with Implant Overdentures

Adapting to Your New Overdentures

Adjustment to implant overdentures is typically swift. We will provide you with guidance and support to help you with your optimal adaptation.

Daily Care and Maintenance

Regular cleaning of overdentures and the surrounding gums is crucial. Instructions on how to properly care for and maintain your implant overdentures will be provided.

Eating and Speaking

Patients can enjoy a diverse diet and speak confidently. Gradual introduction of different food textures is recommended as you adapt to your overdenture.

Long-Term Considerations

Durability and Lifespan

With proper care, your implant overdentures can last for many years. Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor the ongoing health of your implants and overdenture.

Comfort and Oral Health

Implant overdentures offer a comfortable fit and help maintain overall oral health by preserving your jawbone structure and reducing the risk of bone resorption. Simply put, bone resorption refers to a decrease in a person’s bone mass which over time puts them at higher risk for fractures and breakage. As such, patients opting for implant overdentures can enjoy long term benefits of prolonged bone preservation.


Overdentures are a type of removable denture that is supported and anchored by dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums, overdentures snap onto implants placed in the jawbone, providing improved stability, comfort, and function. They are designed for individuals who have lost several or all of their teeth but still have enough bone to support implants.

The primary difference between overdentures and traditional dentures lies in stability and support. Traditional dentures rest on the gums and often require adhesives, while overdentures are anchored to dental implants, offering a more secure fit. This reduces movement and slippage, making overdentures more comfortable and functional, especially when eating and speaking.

The benefits of implant-supported overdentures include:

    • Improved Stability: They are less likely to move or slip, providing confidence while eating and speaking.
    • Enhanced Comfort: Reduced irritation and sores compared to traditional dentures.
    • Better Oral Health: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss.
    • Improved Chewing Efficiency: Stronger bite force compared to regular dentures.
    • Natural Appearance: They look and feel more like natural teeth.

In some cases, existing dentures can be modified to function as overdentures. This process involves retrofitting the denture base to attach to the dental implants. However, not all dentures are suitable for conversion, and in some cases, a new overdenture may be recommended for optimal fit and function.

The number of implants needed for overdentures varies depending on the individual case. Typically, a minimum of two implants is required for a lower overdenture, while a more stable fit for upper overdentures may require four or more implants. The exact number is determined based on jawbone density, the size of the denture, and the patient’s specific needs.

Implant-supported overdentures are significantly more stable than traditional dentures. The implants provide a secure anchor, which helps to keep the overdenture firmly in place during daily activities like eating and speaking, greatly reducing the risk of slippage or movement.

With proper care and maintenance, implant-supported overdentures can last many years. The lifespan of the overdenture itself varies, typically requiring replacement or refurbishment due to wear and tear over time. However, the implants can last a lifetime if well-maintained.

It’s generally recommended to remove overdentures at night to allow the gums and underlying bone to rest. This also provides an opportunity to clean the overdentures thoroughly, maintaining good oral hygiene and prolonging the lifespan of the denture.

Overdentures are suitable for most individuals who have lost several or all of their teeth and have enough jawbone to support implants. They are particularly beneficial for those who have difficulty wearing traditional dentures due to poor fit or discomfort. A dental assessment is necessary to determine individual suitability.

Implant-supported overdentures significantly improve the ability to eat a wide variety of foods compared to traditional dentures. They provide a stable biting and chewing surface, allowing individuals to enjoy foods that might be challenging with regular dentures, such as apples, nuts, and steak. This can lead to a more balanced diet and overall better nutrition.

Full Arch Replacement: All Teeth-on-4 implants, All-on-6, All-on-X at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

Transformative Full Arch Replacement

At Robina Quays Dental Care, we offer a life-changing procedure known as full arch replacement. This is popularly referred to by many as All-on-4 or All-on-X dental implant treatment.

The Procedure

  • Implant Placement: 4-6 implants are strategically placed in the jawbone, serving as a robust foundation for your full arch prosthesis.
  • Prosthesis Fitting: The prosthesis, which replicates your natural teeth, is securely attached to the 4 or 6 implants.

Benefits of All-on-4 and All-on-X

  • Fixed Solution: This is a game changer as you can have a permanent, non-removable replacement for all your missing teeth.
  • Natural Look and Feel: Our dental implant systems are designed to appear and function like your natural teeth, enhancing your comfort and your confidence.
  • Dietary Freedom: Once integrated, our All on 4 or 6 implants system will enable you to enjoy foods that were previously off-limits to you with dentures or missing teeth.
  • Cost-Effective: Interestingly, this solution can be more affordable than having individual implants for each missing tooth.
  • Ease of Cleaning: Your All on 4 or 6 implants can help simplify your maintenance routine compared to traditional dentures.
  • Immediate Teeth Potential: In some cases, temporary teeth can be placed immediately after implant surgery.

Tailored to Each Patient

Given the variability of individual cases, a comprehensive consultation is vital to determine the most suitable approach for your full arch replacement.

Complimentary Consultations

We provide complimentary consultations for our All-on-4 procedures, where we discuss treatment options, potential outcomes, and any concerns you may have.


Our full arch replacement procedures start at $20,000 per arch, offering a cost-effective solution to restoring your smile.

Additional Considerations

  • Customisation: The procedure is highly customisable, with options like All-on-6, offering additional support and stability for specific cases.
  • Long-Term Durability: Designed for longevity, these implants can significantly enhance a patient’s quality of life.
  • Improved Oral Health: Helps prevent bone loss in your mouth to maintain your facial structure.
  • Comprehensive Care: Our team provides ongoing support and guidance throughout your treatment process.


All-on-X dental implant treatment is a revolutionary approach for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. This technique involves using a set number of implants (usually four, six, or more) in the upper or lower jaw to anchor a full arch of prosthetic teeth securely. The “X” in the name refers to the number of implants used. This treatment provides a permanent, stable solution that mimics the look and functionality of natural teeth.

The number of implants used in All-on-X treatment typically ranges from four to six per jaw, depending on the patient’s bone density, the anatomy of their jaw, and their specific needs. Four implants are the most common configuration (All-on-4), but more implants may be used for increased stability.

The advantages of All-on-X over traditional dentures include:

    • Improved Stability: The implants provide a secure fit, reducing movement and slippage common with dentures.
    • Enhanced Comfort: They feel more like natural teeth and don’t require adhesives.
    • Better Functionality: They allow for normal chewing and speaking.
    • Jawbone Preservation: Implants stimulate the bone, preventing deterioration.
    • Aesthetics: They offer a more natural look compared to traditional dentures.

While any surgical procedure can involve some discomfort, the All-on-X procedure is typically performed under anesthesia, making it virtually pain-free during the procedure. Post-operative discomfort is generally manageable with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication and tends to subside within a few days.

The actual surgical procedure to place All-on-X implants can often be completed in one day. However, the entire process, including initial consultations, planning, the procedure itself, and recovery time, can span several months. The initial fitting of the prosthetic teeth may be temporary, with the permanent set being fitted after full healing and integration of the implants.

Maintenance of All-on-X implants involves regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth. Special attention should be given to cleaning around the implant sites. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential to monitor the health of the implants and surrounding tissues.

Yes, All-on-X dental implants can be used for both the upper and lower jaws. The procedure is adaptable to each patient’s needs and can provide a comprehensive solution for those missing all teeth in one or both jaws.

Adequate bone density is crucial for the success of All-on-X implants, as the implants need sufficient bone to integrate and stabilize. Patients with low bone density may require bone grafting procedures prior to implant placement. A thorough evaluation, including bone density assessment, is conducted during the planning stages.

All-on-X dental implants provide significant aesthetic benefits. They are designed to look like natural teeth, offering a more youthful appearance compared to traditional dentures. They also support the facial structure, preventing the sunken look often associated with tooth loss.

Yes, All-on-X implants can be placed in patients who have worn dentures for a long time, provided they have adequate jawbone to support the implants. For those with significant bone loss, pre-treatments such as bone grafts may be necessary to ensure successful implant placement.

Understanding Bone Grafts and Soft Tissue Grafts at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

The Grafting Process

In some dental implant procedures, the patient may not have sufficient bone or tissue at the intended implant site. In these cases, at Robina Quays Dental Care, we may recommend a bone graft or a soft tissue graft. These grafts are essential in providing the necessary foundation for placing the implant successfully

What Is a Bone Graft/Soft Tissue Graft?

  • Assessment: We evaluate the implant site to determine the need for a graft.
  • Material Selection: The grafting material can either be sourced externally or harvested from another area in the patient’s mouth.
  • Grafting Procedure: The chosen material is used to build up the bone or soft tissue in the implant area.

Types of Grafts

  • Autograft: Material taken from the patient’s own body, ensuring high compatibility.
  • Allograft: Processed bone from a human donor, used when more significant augmentation is needed.
  • Xenograft: Bone from another species, typically bovine, processed to ensure safety and compatibility.
  • Alloplastic Grafts: Synthetic materials that encourage natural bone growth.

Benefits of Grafting

  • Provides Stability: Essential for the long-term success of dental implants.
  • Enhances Bone Volume: Crucial in cases of bone resorption due to missing teeth.
  • Improves Aesthetics: Helps maintain facial structure and contours.
  • Versatility: Suitable for different types of implants and varying degrees of bone loss.

Personalised Consultation

We discuss the necessity and type of grafting during your initial visit at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast. Please note this is a case-by-case decision, tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Aftercare and Recovery

  • Healing Period: Grafts require a healing period before implant placement.
  • Follow-Up Care: Regular check-ups to monitor the graft’s integration and healing is required..

At Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast, our team is adept in performing grafting procedures, ensuring they are as comfortable and effective as possible. Our approach is always personalised, prioritising the patient’s overall oral health and the success of their implant procedure.