Robina Quays Dental Care

07 5648 0776

Exam and Clean

Dental Exams and Professional Cleaning at Robina Quays Dental Care, Gold Coast

Comprehensive Dental Examinations: The Foundation of Oral Health

At Robina Quays Dental Care, we understand the vital connection between oral health and overall well-being. Our comprehensive dental examinations and professional cleanings are designed to not only maintain your oral hygiene but also to contribute positively to your overall health.


The Exam and Clean Process

Initial Consultation and Comprehensive Exam (45-60 mins)

  • Extra-oral Findings: We assess the temporalis, masseter, TMJ, jaw deviation and range of motion, lymph nodes, and submandibular glands.
  • Intra-oral Findings: Examination of the tongue, floor of the mouth, inside of the cheeks, gums, palate, tonsils, uvula, teeth, wisdom teeth, crowding, ulcerations, soft tissue conditions, and potential oral pathologies.
  • Radiographs: Full mouth OPG radiograph, bitewings for decay detection, and periapical radiographs for suspected infections.
  • Photography: Photographs of your teeth are taken for baseline records and to help you visualize any decay.
  • Professional Cleaning: Removal of plaque and tartar, polishing teeth, guidance on brushing and flossing techniques.

Our Holistic Approach to Oral Health

  • Oral Health and Systemic Diseases: We recognize the link between gum disease and systemic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. Maintaining oral health is a crucial step in managing overall well-being.
  • Beyond Plaque and Decay: Our examination extends beyond searching for cavities. We comprehensively assess your gums, tongue, palate, bite, lips, and potential pathologies on both soft and hard tissues.
  • Deep Cleaning: Our cleaning process not only removes plaque but also goes beneath the gums to remove calculus, significantly decreasing bacterial load.

The Importance of Regular Visits

  • Preventive Care: Regular check-ups are essential for early identification and intervention, resulting in simpler and more affordable treatments.
  • Familiarity with Your Oral Health: Frequent visits allow us to become intimately familiar with your oral and overall health, facilitating early problem detection.
  • Avoiding Larger Problems: Timely treatment of dental issues prevents them from escalating into more serious conditions.

Personalised Treatment Plan

  • By the end of your visit, you will receive a comprehensive treatment plan, personalized oral hygiene instructions, product recommendations, and dietary advice.
  • A special gift awaits you as a thank you for choosing us.

Health Fund Codes

  • Comprehensive exam codes: 011, 022, 022, 037, 131, 141, 072, 073
  • Clean codes: 114, 121

Book Your Appointment

Join us at Robina Quays Dental Care for an exam and cleaning that goes beyond the basics. Schedule your appointment today and take a step towards holistic oral and overall health.

Why Robina Quays Dental Care is the Right Choice for You

At Robina Quays Dental Care in Gold Coast, we are not just about providing dental treatments; we are about creating lasting relationships based on trust, respect, and genuine care. Here’s why we believe we are the dentists for you:

Our Mission and Approach

  • Patient-Centred Care: We place your health and well-being first, ensuring every visit is comfortable and every treatment is tailored to your needs.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Continuous education and upskilling are at the core of our practice, allowing us to offer the latest in dental care.
  • A Welcoming Environment: We’ve created a space where you can relax and feel assured that you are in good hands, making every visit a positive experience.
  • Collaborative Treatment Planning: We work alongside you to achieve the results you desire, following a timeline that fits your lifestyle and needs.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: Utilising modern dental technology, we ensure precise, efficient, and comfortable treatments.
  • Highly Trained Clinicians: Our team has extensive training in all aspects of dentistry, capable of treating patients of all ages with varying dental needs.
  • Comprehensive Dental Services: From simple check-ups to complex rehabilitations, we offer a full range of dental services to cater to all your oral health needs.

Our Commitment to You

At Robina Quays Dental Care, we strive to exceed your expectations at every step of your dental journey. Our team is dedicated to providing not just exceptional dental care but also a welcoming and supportive environment. We believe in building a long-lasting relationship with you, centred on trust and mutual respect.

Whether you’re coming in for a routine check-up, a complex dental procedure, or seeking advice on oral health, you can rest assured that you’re in capable and caring hands. We are here to guide you through your dental journey, ensuring your comfort, health, and satisfaction are always our top priorities.

Book Your Appointment Today

Experience the difference at Robina Quays Dental Care. Contact us to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.


A dental exam and cleaning involve a professional assessment of your oral health and the removal of plaque and tartar from your teeth. The exam includes checking for signs of decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Cleaning involves scaling (to remove plaque and tartar) and polishing to remove surface stains and smooth the teeth.

It is generally recommended to have a dental exam and cleaning every six months. However, some individuals with specific dental issues or a history of periodontal disease may need more frequent visits.

During a dental exam, your dentist will check your teeth for decay, examine your gums for signs of disease, and evaluate your overall oral health. They may also use X-rays to detect problems below the gum line. The dentist will assess your risk of developing other oral health problems and check for abnormalities in your face, neck, and mouth.

Dental cleaning is usually painless. However, if you have sensitive teeth or gums, you might experience some discomfort. Inform your dentist if you have any anxiety or pain concerns, as they can take extra steps to ensure your comfort.

Regular exams and cleanings help prevent cavities, root infections, and gum disease. They also provide an opportunity to detect potential problems early when they are easier and less expensive to treat. Regular cleanings also help keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile bright.

Yes, part of a comprehensive dental exam often includes screening for oral cancer. Your dentist will check your lips, tongue, throat, tissues, and gums for any signs of oral cancer, such as sores or discoloured areas.

To prepare, continue your normal oral hygiene routine, brushing and flossing as usual. Make a list of any questions or concerns you have, including any sensitivity or pain you’re experiencing. Also, have a record of any medications you are taking, as they can affect your oral health.

Scaling is the process of removing plaque and tartar from the tooth surface and beneath the gums. Polishing involves using a paste to smooth and shine the teeth’s surface, which helps prevent future plaque buildup and leaves your teeth feeling fresh and clean.

A routine dental exam and cleaning typically take about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your oral health status. If it’s been a while since your last visit or if you have numerous oral health issues, the appointment might take longer.

A dental exam is a comprehensive evaluation of your overall oral health, including cleaning and possibly X-rays. A dental consultation, on the other hand, is typically a discussion with your dentist about specific concerns or treatment options, without the cleaning or detailed examination.

Between visits, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossing regularly, and using mouthwash. Limit sugary snacks and drinks and follow any specific care instructions your dentist provides.

Yes, you can eat and drink before your appointment. However, it’s a good idea to brush your teeth after eating and before your exam to clean your teeth and freshen your breath.

Dental X-rays are not always necessary but can be an important part of a dental exam. They help diagnose problems not visible to the naked eye, such as issues within the teeth, beneath the gums, or in the jawbone. Your dentist will recommend X-rays based on your oral health needs.

If your dentist finds any issues, such as cavities, gum disease, or signs of wear, they will discuss these with you and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. This might include fillings, deep cleaning, or other dental treatments.

Yes, children should have regular dental exams and cleanings, starting from when their first tooth appears or by their first birthday. Regular dental care from a young age helps establish good oral hygiene habits and prevents childhood tooth decay.

A dental exam helps in early detection and prevention of dental diseases. During the exam, dentists look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Early intervention can prevent these conditions from progressing and leading to more serious problems.

Signs you may need more frequent cleanings include having a history of periodontal (gum) disease, frequent cavities, heavy tartar buildup, or certain medical conditions like diabetes that affect oral health. Smokers and people with braces might also require more frequent cleanings.

Yes, dental exams can sometimes detect signs of broader health issues. For example, conditions like diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances can manifest symptoms in the mouth. Your dentist may refer you to a physician if they observe symptoms indicative of systemic health issues.

A periodontal exam specifically assesses the health of your gums and the structures supporting your teeth. It involves measuring the depth of gum pockets and checking for gum recession, inflammation, and bone loss. It’s more focused than a standard dental exam, which assesses overall oral health.

Yes, dental exams often include checking for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, especially if you have symptoms like jaw pain, clicking, or difficulty moving your jaw. Your dentist will examine your jaw joints for signs of dysfunction.

Inform your dentist about any changes in your oral health, such as pain, sensitivity, or bleeding. Also, provide updates on your medical history, medications, and any specific concerns or anxiety you have regarding dental treatment.

Yes, lifestyle factors like smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and oral hygiene habits can significantly affect your oral health and the results of your dental exam. For example, smoking can increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer.

To maintain the results of a dental cleaning, practise good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, using mouthwash, and avoiding tobacco products. Also, follow a balanced diet and visit your dentist regularly.

Fluoride treatment involves applying a high concentration of fluoride to the teeth to strengthen enamel and prevent decay. It’s often offered as part of a dental exam and cleaning, especially for patients at high risk of tooth decay.

Children and elderly patients may have specific needs during dental exams and cleanings. For instance, children may require fluoride treatments and sealants, while elderly patients may need assessments for dry mouth and oral cancer.

Digital technology, like digital X-rays and intraoral cameras, plays a significant role in modern dental exams. These tools provide detailed images of your teeth and gums, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Nutrition has a direct impact on dental health. A diet high in sugar increases the risk of tooth decay, while a balanced diet supports healthy teeth and gums. Your dentist might discuss the role of nutrition in oral health during your exam.

While some dental practices may offer cleanings without an exam, it’s generally recommended to have both. The exam provides crucial information about your oral health, which can inform the cleaning process.

Plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on teeth and can be removed with regular brushing and flossing. Tartar, or calculus, is hardened plaque that can only be removed with professional dental tools during a cleaning.

Yes, dental exams and cleanings can address bad breath (halitosis). The dentist can identify and treat underlying causes such as gum disease, dry mouth, or plaque buildup, and provide guidance on maintaining fresh breath.

Missing regular dental exams and cleanings can lead to undetected dental issues like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer, which can progress and become more severe over time. Regular visits are crucial for early detection and treatment, maintaining overall oral health, and preventing more complex and costly treatments later.

Yes, dental exams can help identify the cause of bad breath, which may include gum disease, dry mouth, or poor oral hygiene. Treatment plans can be developed to address the underlying issue and improve breath.

Dentists check for gum disease by examining your gums for signs of inflammation, measuring the depth of pockets around your teeth with a special tool, and possibly taking X-rays to assess bone loss.

Yes, oral cancer screening is often a standard part of a dental exam. Your dentist will look for any signs of oral cancer, including sores, lumps, or discoloured areas in the mouth, and may palpate your neck and jaw area.

To reduce anxiety, you can practise relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, listen to music, or use distraction methods. Communicate your fears to your dentist as they can provide reassurance and may offer sedation options if needed.

Many dental practices use digital X-rays, which offer the advantage of lower radiation exposure compared to traditional X-rays and provide immediate images for quicker assessment.

If you notice changes such as new sensitivity, pain, or swelling, contact your dentist to schedule an appointment. It’s important to address potential issues promptly, even between regular exams.

Yes, regular dental cleanings can help prevent tooth loss by removing plaque and tartar that contribute to gum disease, one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults.

Dental hygienists play a crucial role in performing dental cleanings, providing patient education on oral hygiene, and assisting dentists during the exam process.

Gum health is assessed by examining the colour, texture, and firmness of the gums, checking for bleeding, and measuring the depth of gum pockets, which can indicate gum disease.

Yes, even people with dentures should have regular dental exams to check the fit of their dentures, examine the health of their gums and mouth, and screen for oral cancer.

It’s best to avoid coffee or alcohol before your appointment, as they can dehydrate your mouth or mask symptoms that need to be assessed during the exam.

Ignoring gum bleeding can lead to the progression of gum disease, which can cause gum recession, bone loss, and ultimately tooth loss if left untreated.

Children’s dental exams often focus more on monitoring development, preventing and treating early signs of decay, and providing guidance on proper oral hygiene practices.

If you experience pain during a dental cleaning, inform your dental hygienist or dentist immediately. They can adjust their technique, provide additional numbing agents, or take other measures to ensure your comfort.